Friday, January 16, 2009

Self Esteem

I wish there was a way to be more confident in who we are as people that the world did not have a stereotype of what beauty truly is. I look in the mirror consistently and only see the imperfections, I see someone who does not fit into the category of "Beautiful", when in fact we all are since we were created in the image of God and therefore no one is ugly. There are some days that I am filled with confidence and other times I look at my friends who are so beautiful and wish that for once I was pretty. While what I am going through is normal because lets face it no girls is ever 100% satisfied with what they look like, it still stinks. I think that because on almost every magazine there are women who are society's definition of beautiful it makes me question whether or not I will ever find a guy who will find me truly beautiful both inside and out. While I know this is a vain want, I have often struggled with finding who I truly am and excepting me for who I am. I never think that I am pretty and that makes me sad. I had a friend who wrote this to me "No one is ugly kayla! God creates everyone, therefore, they are beautiful. It doesn't matter what the world thinks" and while he made a good point it is still hard to accept. I know that because I am a child of God I am beautiful but it would be nice to hear the words "You are so beautiful or pretty" from anyone. I have had people tell me I am not ugly but I have never had anyone besides my family tell me I was beautiful. I also understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but how long am I going to wait for the person who God wants me to marry and serve Him (God) for. Not long I hope.....

1 comment:

  1. First, society's view of 'beautiful' is tan airbrushed women who really don't look like that in real life. If you don't believe me take a look at this:

    You are beautiful Kayla, inside and out. You'll find that guy,give it time. And don't be worried you aren't the only one still looking! :)
