Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wingate Times

So last night was a very interesting night here in Alumni. It began with going to Breathe, which if you don't know is a worship service held at Wingate. I went with my roommate Jessie and our two friends Ryan and Brian. After Breathe I went to my friend Callie's room, my friend Kathryn was also in the room trying to show Callie a new way home. After a little while Brian and Ryan came up on the girls hall and went into Callie's room to hangout. We were all having a fun time laughing a joking. Brian who is a little bit of a neat freak realized how dusty the ceiling lights were in Callie's room so he took it upon himself to remove the metal part of the light which freaked Callie out. Callie then wanted to put the light back up so Brian and Ryan made her do it herself. There was a whole bunch of yelling and loud noises which if you were not in the room could have been questionable to hear. It was really funny to be watching this but then something happened which I missed so I did not get why all my friends were laughing until they explained it to me. However while it may have been hilarious to see it was not quite as funny when it was explained to me.

The next adventure happened when I went into my room to get my toothbrush. As I unlocked the door to my room I noticed Brian and Ryan right behind me. Immediately I knew that they were up to no good so I tried to prevent them from entering my room. That did not really work so well and I ended up on the floor while Jessie was awaken by Ryan and Brian jumping on her bed and pulling the mattress off. Eventually it quieted down and Jessie realized that her new phone was missing. Both the boys denied taking the phone but Brian ended up hiding in one of the rooms. Somehow around midnight Ryan "discovered" the phone under Jessie's bed. However someone had to have had the phone because it texted me. But whatever the case be it was an interesting night.

It is nights like these that I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to attend Wingate. If I did not apply here I would never had met the people who I consider my closet and most dear friends. I feel like I can tell them anything and for the most part it is kept a secret and no one judges me. I can be who I am and not worry about who is talking about me behind my back which I can honestly say I have not felt that way for years. I truly love all my friends and cannot picture going to another college and meeting people half as good as they are. I feel as if God has truly blessed me and continues to teach me new things about myself and about my faith through my friends.

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